Ki7 Nattokinase 以黄豆为原料,经过纳豆菌感染,在保留了原有营养物质的前提下又衍生出很多新的物质,比如纳豆激酶、纳豆菌、吡啶二羧酸、黏液素、防卫质,比如纳豆激酶、 纳豆菌、吡啶二羧酸、黏液素、防卫产工艺的提升和菌种的改良,纳豆激酶的功效性也越来越明显,Ki7 Nattokinase 使用自己独有的菌种培育,活性高达10000FU,多肽、粘液素、皂甙、维生素等含量也高于一般的纳豆杆菌发酵产品。
1) 作用于心脑血管系统
最理想 的天然血栓溶解剂-剂- Ki7 Nattokinase中含有大量溶解血栓的纤维蛋白酶---纳豆激酶,在血液中的效果可达8-11个小时。Ki7 Nattokinase是血液的清道夫---纳豆中的亚麻油酸、皂甙、胰肽酶等通过综合作用清理血液中的垃圾和多余的脂肪,保持血液的健康,有效改善微循 环,从根本上解决了心脑血管系统的问题。
2) 作用于消化系统
纳豆菌、溶菌酶、纳豆多糖等成分能强力抑制、杀灭病原性 大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、赤痢、伤寒、流感等病毒和病菌,使胃肠道菌群恢复到健康的动态平衡,是防治感染性疾病的佳品、在恢复肠道功能正常的同时,双向 改善便秘和腹泻症状;纳豆异黄酮、多肽、皂甙还能协助调节内分泌系统;纳豆菌在分解食物过程中会产生多种生理活性物质,持续对人体的各大系统进行呵护。
3) 作用于骨骼系统
Ki7 Nattokinase含有丰富维生素K2可促进生成骨蛋白质,使血钙沉积入骨,增加骨密度,从而有效地防治和改善骨质疏松症。纳豆多糖、粘液素都是骨关 节液的组成部分,可以有效改善滑膜炎等骨关节疾病。纳豆中的镁、锌、硒、铁等微量元素和维生素都是骨代谢中不可缺少的辅酶或辅基。
4) 作用于免疫 系统
Ki7 Nattokinase丰富的维生素和矿物质是机体代谢不可缺少的辅助酶,有促进抗体的作用;纳豆中的小分子蛋白质和微生物多糖能够为合成免疫细胞提供营 养基础,Ki7 Nattokinase 能全面地补充人体生理活性物质的不足,对因免疫力下降而引起的风湿病、小球肾炎、皮肤病、肿瘤、肝炎、病毒感染等都有明显的预防和改善的作用,是人体免疫 防线可靠的天然屏障。
Ki7 Nattokinase 的独特功效
2.降低胆固醇、高 血 压
6.提振精神、增强记忆 力
7. 身体不再容易感觉疲倦
11.预防心肌梗塞、动脉粥样 硬化
12. 解酒 ( 保护肝脏 )
纳豆、糙米、红 曲、麦芽糊精、巴西菇
食 用方法
将一包Ki7 Nattokinase 直接倒入舌尖低下配水服食。每日可食用1至2包
包 装规格
每盒2gm x 20 包
Location: Ki7 Nattokinase 以黄豆为原料,经过纳豆菌感染,在保留了原有营养物质的前
= aged at 35 years old >> appear as 25 years old >> figures of 20 years old
A golden key for 21st century women to regain beauty and health
Ki7 CANNA naturally reshape body, firm breast, refine silhouette; from inner to outer body, from cells to epidermis. Effectively stabilize female hormones, slow down menopause, regulate fats, refine curve, rejuvenate skin, firm up uterus, increase immunity system, improve blood circulation, enhance sexuality, detoxify, reduce unpleasant smell of leucorrhoea.
Product Highlights
1. Hormones balancing
2. Stimulate brain cells activity
3. Release stress and tiredness
4. Regulate the level of estrogen
5. Improve sleep quality
6. Improve body flexibility
7. Regain and enhance skin elasticity
8. Improve radiance and smoothness of skin
Pueraria lobata, collagen, grape seed powder, amino acid, Fructooligosaccharide, peach powder, mix fruit powder.
Method of Consumption
Mix a packet of Ki7 CANNA with 200ml cold water, well stirred and enjoy your drink. 1 to 2 packets daily.
15 gm x 20 sachets
Price: RM243
Case 1:
I am Tan Bee Lian from Johor, Malaysia. I used to have very sensitive skin due hormonal imbalance. A friend introduce Ki7 Canna to me when i shared my hormonal problem with a group of friends. after taking ki7 Canna for 3 months, I can see fantastic improvement in myself. My skin has a healthy glow, pigmentation lighten, timely menstrual, no more discomfort during menstrual period plus quality sleep at night. My friends are very surprise when they see me now. There are so much changes in me, can be seen from my photographs. Now I am slim, confident and beautiful, a totally transformed Bee Lian.
I am Jassica Kuik from Batu Pahat. After taking ki7 Canna for 3 months, my bra cup advance from cup B to cup C. I love Ki7.
Eat your way to an attractive look! Make your skin a "Beautiful Outfit"
Brand new Ki7 SNOW utilizes innovative and advanced technology, specially designed a new concept of whitening and skin care, which enable our skin recover its elasticity and radiance; ... Ki7 SNOW makes you eat your way to an attractive look with flawless and glowing skin!
In this twenty-first century, people are prone to all sorts of civilization outputs such as environmental pollution, UV ray, radiation, pressure and high caloric food. Due to these risk factors, the condition of our skin will get worse; especially UV ray from sunlight that will cause increase melanoma in our skin, which make our skin turns dark and dull. Besides, as we grow older and metabolism decreases, our skin will lose its gloss and elasticity, wrinkles will develop and we look older. Although skin is the outer layer of our body, it depends on the nutrients and oxygen that our inner bodies provide. To have young and healthy skin and proper functioning of our internal organs depend solely on our ways of nutrients intake.
Ki7 SNOW consists of collagen and amino acid that provide skin its base to absorb protein, vitamin and minerals that are essential for metabolism.
Ki7 SNOW also consists of phospholipids that could regulate cell membrane, increase the water holding capacity of our skin that keep our skin nourished. Besides, unsaturated fatty acid of Ki7 SNOW could strengthen the antioxidant of our skin, preventing harm generated from free radicals and slow down the process of aging. Ki7 SNOW provides the basic nutrients needed for beautiful skin. Vitamin C in Ki7 SNOW could fight off melanoma and inhibit brown spot.
Product Highlights
1. Improve alertness and memory
2. Anti-aging, anti-oxidization
3. Improve metabolism
4. Rejuvenate, enhance nervous system cell inter transmittance
5. Whitening, wrinkles reduction, firming, nourishment and enhanced smoother skin
Collagen, pine bark, pearl powder, grape seed powder, vinegar grain powder, fructooligosaccharide, citric acid, fruit powder
Method of Consumption
Mix a packet of Ki7 SNOW with 200ml water. 1 to 2 packets daily.
15gm x 20 sachets
Price: RM203
Case 1
See the difference. Try Ki7 SNOW today!
See the difference. Try Ki7 SNOW today!
See the difference. Try Ki7 SNOW today!
Obesity has become the global top killer of health in the 21st century. According to statistics, obesity population has broken through one billion people globally. Modern people live under high pressure, polluted environment, imbalance diet and nutrients; will cause nutrients deficiency, abnormal metabolism and body cells, lead to civilized diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases and obesity.
To prevent sicknesses brought by obesity including drop in immunity system, increase in chronic system and risk of having cancer, Ki7 ZLIM help in the form of handling fats. Ki7 ZLIM balances heat production and fat-storing cells, regulate and break down cells, prevent the growth of new fat cells, thus solve obesity problems from root.
Three main steps of Ki7 ZLIM
1. Boost the production of enzymes that could break down fats.
2. Remove toxins and extra fats.
3. Balance the nutrients absorption function, heat production cells and fat-storing cells of our bodies.
Product Highlights
1. Effectively reduce fats
2. Achieve ideal fat-burning effect
3. Long term weight control
4. The one and only dual mechanism
Vegetables powder, white kidney bean, pepper extracts, corchorifolius, cranberry, lotus leaves, papaya enzymes, glucose, fructooligosaccharide
Method of Consumption
Mix a packet of Ki7 ZLIM with 200ml cold water, stir well and drink. 1 to 2 packets daily.
15 gm x 20 sachets
Price: RM133
Before - 95kg
After 2 months - 72kg
Regain the confident you! Try Ki7 ZLIM today!
Click to know more
Before - 75kg
After 3 months - 67kg
Regain the confident you! Try Ki7 ZLIM today!
Ki7 Klenzextracts natural fiber essence from vegetables and fruits with the added benefits of prebiotic. It could effectively regulate and balance absorption of intestines and could consider as our "colon natural scavenger" which helps in defecation, excretion, detoxifying, prevent constipation and fight off free radicals, regulate inner secretion and weight control. Most importantly it could effectively break down fats, protein and carbohydrates; improve metabolism and fight off sickness.
Long term consumption of this product could improve our digestion and defecation, thus reduce risk of having colorectal cancer, colon cancer, rectum cancer, high blood pressure and other chronic sickness. Ki7 Klenz could enhance absorption of nutrients.
Product Highlights
1. Remove toxins in our body
2. Helps in digestion
3. Improve peristalsis movement of intestine
4. Improve Physiological function
5.Regulate acidity
6. Boost the growth of useful bacteria
7. Increase immunity system
Apple fiber, oats fiber, mix vegetable powder, wheat fiber, pineapple powder, good bacteria, fructooligosaccharide, glucose, guar gum, aloe Vera
Method of Consumption
Mix a packet of Ki7 Klenz with 200ml cold water, stir well and drink. 1 to 2 packets daily.
15 gm x 20 sachets
Price: RM133
A better digestion system for a better you! Try Ki7 Klenz today!
Ki7 NATTOKINASE has high content of bacillus natto. It not only could keep the original nutrients of soybeans, it could also breed the new minerals such as nattokinase, bacillus natto, pyridinedicarboxylic, su-mucus, defensins, choline, lecithin, linoleic acid, vitamin K2.
Ki7 NATTOKINASE has its own unique nurture of bacteria that could achieve 10,000 FU effectiveness. The contents of polypeptide, su-mucus and vitamins are much higher than ordinary Natto bacteria meyeri products.
Main Roles
1. For Cardiovascular
The ideal thrombosis solvent - Ki7 NATTOKINASE highly contains Natto bacteria meyeri that could break down thrombosis plasminogen within 8 - 11 hours.
Ki7 NATTOKINASE is our perfect blood scavenger - linoleic acid in nattokinase could clean and remove clog in blood. It helps us in blood circulation thus maintain healthy blood flow.
2. For Digestion
Natto bacteria, lysozyme, and Natto polysaccharide could strongly fight off harmful pathogen such as E.coli, Staphylococcus aureus, dysentery, typhoid and influenza viruses; recover the functional gastrointestinal bacteria, prevent infection, constipation and diarrhoea. Natto Isoflavones, Polypeptide could help in the regulation of inner secretion. Besides, in the process of breaking down food nattokinase will produce various types of physiologically active substances that could enhance our body systems.
3. For Joint
Ki7 NATTOKINASE highly contains vitamin K2 that will boost generation of bones, increase absorption of calcium thus increase density of bones. Therefore, prevent osteoporosis. Natto polysaccharide and su-mucus are the essential parts of Synovial fluid, they could effectively ameliorate synovitis and other joint sickness. Natto contains magnesium, zinc, selenium and iron that are indispensable coenzyme in bone metabolism.
4. For Immunity System
Ki7 NATTOKINASE is rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for our bodies and could enhance immune system. Nattokinase protein molecules and microorganisms could provide basic nutrients for our immune cells. Ki7 NATTOKINASE could comprehensively replenish active substances in our bodies. Sickness due to low immunity such as rheumatoid, nephritis, skin diseases, tumor, hepatitis and virus infections could be prevented and ameliorate. It is human natural protection.
Product Highlights
1. Dissolve thrombosis
2. Protect liver and heart, ease hangover
3. Ease shoulder and neck discomfort
4. Prevent myocardial infarction, stroke
5. Decrease high blood pressure, uric acid
Nattokinase, Brown Rice, Monascus, Maltodextrin, Agaricus Blazei Murill
Method of Consumption
Pour a packet of Ki7 NATTOKINASE under your tongue and consume with water. 1 to 2 sachets daily.
2 gm x 20 sachets
Price: RM123