*油性皮肤 - 让细胞不断排出二氧化炭及毒素,改善暗疮,粉刺,黑头,阻塞,毛孔粗大等问题。。
*雀斑色素 - 大量补充氧气,达至美白,改善雀斑,暗哑,面黄,色素不均匀等问题。。
*脱水肌肤 - 紧锁细胞内的水份, 深层保湿, 恢复柔嫩光泽, 改善缺水, 干燥,细纹等问题。。
*老化肌肤 - 使细胞恢复活力,增加弹性,提升,达到缓延老化,改善松弛,下垂,皱纹等问题。。
*敏感及受损肌肤 - 修补受损细胞,强化细胞,增强抵抗力,改善敏感状况。。。。
It helps to strenghthen skin's defense system against environment pollution factors
100% mild, pure and natural. without any additive. Contain 5 times more oxygen than a normal spray.......
*OILY SKIN - Allow skin cells to constantly disburse carbon dioxide and toxic, to improve on ance, milia, blackheads, clogged pores & open pores.
*PIGMENTATION - Attain whitening effect by supplying oxygen extensively to the skin to improve on pigmentation, dull skin, yellow skin and uneven skin tone..
*DEHYDRATED SKIN - Lock the water within cells to offer deep hydration, retain skin's natural glow and softness, rectify dehydration, dryness, and fine lines problems..
*AGED SKIN - Activate and revitalize cells, enhance elasticity and firmness, delay aging process and improve on saggy and wrinkles area..
*SENSITIVE & DAMAGED SKIN - Repair damaged cells by enhancing cells' immune system and increase skin's resistant level..
500% of Oxygen + Pure Water
How to use :
***Combined with other cosmetic products - it can be used to complete the facial cleansing .
***Subtlest dispersion of the spray - make up for fixation.
Oxy Sterile Spray is suitable for the FACE and the BODY.
Simply spray a thin layer - DO NOT WIPE or pat dry, but let it dry by itself.
Oxy Sterile Spray is a NATURAL and UNIQUE skin care, Switzerland product formulated to provide our human skin with HYDRATION and VITALITY.
Our skin needs OXYGEN and WATER to stay healthy.
A lack of oxygen :
* in a change of the skin's metabolism
*the skin respiration slow down, what finally can cause premature skin ageing.
Oxy Sterile Spray can help your skin to look healthier and more beautiful!!!!!
How to use :
***Combined with other cosmetic products - it can be used to complete the facial cleansing .
***Subtlest dispersion of the spray - make up for fixation.
Oxy Sterile Spray is suitable for the FACE and the BODY.
Simply spray a thin layer - DO NOT WIPE or pat dry, but let it dry by itself.
Oxy Sterile Spray is a NATURAL and UNIQUE skin care, Switzerland product formulated to provide our human skin with HYDRATION and VITALITY.
Our skin needs OXYGEN and WATER to stay healthy.
A lack of oxygen :
* in a change of the skin's metabolism
*the skin respiration slow down, what finally can cause premature skin ageing.
Oxy Sterile Spray can help your skin to look healthier and more beautiful!!!!!